Lemon the Duck


Laura Backman
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bean : The small round bump on the end of a duck's bill. Also called the nail.

bill : The part of the duck that forms the mouth and nose
brood : A group of baby ducks.
broody : A hen who wants to sit on a nest and hatch and raise her babies
camouflage : Color or markings that allow a duck to blend in with its surroundings so predators won't find it.
clutch : A bunch of eggs to be incubated.
crest : The tuft of feathers on the top of the duck's head (Lemon has a white tuft on her head---she is a crested Pekin duck).
crop : The place where the food first goes when it is swallowed.
dabble : The kind of duck that tips (bottom's up) to reach weeds growing under the surface of the water.

down : The soft fluffy 'feathers' found next to the skin of adult birds (under their other feathers). The soft fluffy covering on ducklings.
drake : A male duck
duck : A kind of waterfowl. Also the name for a female duck.
duckling : The proper name for a baby duck.
egg tooth : The temporary horny bump on the duckling's upper bill used for pipping (breaking through) the shell. The egg tooth falls off shortly after the duckling hatches.
grit : Small pebbles fed to birds to help them grind up their food.
imprint : The process of learning to recognize 'mom'. If the natural mother is not around then the first continuing contact will become mom.
incubate : To provide a fertile egg with the conditions necessary for it to develop into a baby.
lamellae : The serrations found on the bills of ducks and geese that look like teeth. They are used to help cut and rip grasses and weeds as well as to hold insects or fish.
mate : The partner of an animal. The pair-bonding of birds.
molt : All birds must get rid of old worn feathers and grow new ones from time to time.
  1. The duck begins to shed some old feathers
  2. Pin feathers grow in to replace the old feathers
  3. As the pin feathers become full feathers, other feathers are shed

paddling : The name for a group of ducks on water.

pinfeathers : The feathers that have not grown all the way out .

pip : The first crack in the egg made by the baby duck trying to get out.

plumage : The feathers of a duck.

preen : How ducks clean and comb their feathers. They use their bills to get dirt out of their feathers and to make them lie correctly. Ducks also preen to spread oils on the feathers that will make them waterproof.

team : The name of a group of ducks in flight.

vent : The external opening of the digestive tract and the reproductive system.

waddle : The walking motion of most ducks.

waterfowl : Birds that have webbed feet and like to swim.